Written by on April 11, 2023

ByFar 13 is part of the hardworking social media team at NRG Radio Uganda that is always churning out engaging and fun posts.

A student at the Uganda Institute of Allied Health and Management Science – Mulago former Mulago Paramedical School, he is currently pursuing a Diploma in Occupational Therapy. An Occupational therapist is someone who helps people with disabilities and people who have problems performing day-to-day activities.

What led you to be a social media manager in relation to what you are studying?

Passion. It comes with passion first. I remember after my senior 6 at Mengo I dropped out. I went with my passion which was music promotion and marketing. That is what I wanted although my parents wanted me to take a different route. So I had to report back to school and complete their dream as I work on mine.

So between your Senior 6 vacation and your current job, what did you do?

I was a music promoter and worked with different musicians and organizations. I’ve worked with Nina Rose and her team. I’ve also known DJ VxFaisal since my Form 4 so I have been working with him for some time now. I actually remember coming from a club at 6 am because I was working and immediately went to school for my S6 UNEB examinations.

How did you secure your job at NRG?

DJ VxFaisal helped in that regard. He introduced me to the team and after a few meetings, I had the job. But I have to say that it is my ambition and drive mostly. I live on social media so I developed a knack for knowing what to post and when to do it. I also made a stupid tweet that was retweeted by the station and I like to believe that was the deciding factor.

How do you manage school and work?

It is about sacrifice. There are a lot of sacrifices involved no matter which side I pick. If I go to school, then I am sacrificing my time at work and if I go to work, I am sacrificing my time for school. I even forgot about sleep because on weekend I am working with Faisal and on weekdays I have school and work.

Who is someone whose drive you try to emulate?

Sparkle Promos is my inspiration. He is in marketing, and social media management and he is also a music promoter. So I look up to him and I will look back with great fondness on the time I spent with him on Nina Rose’s team.

Reflecting on our conversation, it’s clear that ByFar 13 is a true inspiration, to many because of his drive and ambition to achieve greatness. As he so eloquently put it, ‘If you don’t give your all when trying, then what is the point of trying?’ These words are a reminder to us all that success is not always measured in points or trophies, but in the effort, we put forth and the impact we have on those around us.

Reader's opinions
  1.   On   April 12, 2023 at 12:45 pm

    This is really great for balancing both school matters and work ,I really like your passion, hardwork and enthusiasm towards both aspects and honestly am proud to be your classmate and always wish you the best💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿👍👍🤝🤝Topowa

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